We offer a range of SRI products and services to meet the demand of different types of clients.
Socially Responsible Investment
ESG beyond investment: shaping a better future together
We see Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) as a source of value for investments. Our strategy reflects our commitment both to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to the Paris Climate Agreement’s goals to combat climate change and adapt to comits effects.
Santander Asset Management has a full-time dedicated SRI expert team - responsible for developing and implementing our ESG analysis methodology.
They go beyond industry benchmarks to bring added insight and conviction. Embedding ESG criteria enables our managers to identify crucial elements that determine competitive advantages and flag potential risks, giving them a more complete understanding of the assets analysed and enabling them to make better informed investment decisions.
Santander Asset Management's commitment to SRI comprises three key strands:
We offer a range of SRI products and services to meet the demand of different types of clients.
We collaborate with universities and educational centres, organising and participating in events and training days in SRI.
We participate in initiatives and organisations to help spread SRI, and which enable different organisations share best practice and understanding.
Visit our Luxembourg website for all information and full policies.